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2021 Student Salon

What can I say? Time flies when you’re parenting during a pandemic. Which brings me to my super late post on my first ever online performance event!

All the beautiful people! You just have to smile looking at them.

Why a Salon and not a “recital”? I really want it to be more of a music-sharing experience than a stressful performance spotlight. Interestingly, depending on student, some end up putting a lot of stress on themselves anyway, so I’m happy not to add to it. I, for one, experience all kinds of anxiety symptoms before playing, so I hope to alleviate these in my students. (Hmm, maybe a coping post is in order…)

The downside of the pandemic is that an in-person audience isn’t possible. The upside, though, was that we could invite family members and close friends far and wide. We were able to put smiles on loved-ones’ faces, though we may not have been able to see them much, if at all, for over a year.

Planning this Zoom Salon was definitely different. Usually, I’d be off buying fruits, drinks, sweet treats. This year, I spent time editing sound and video. Which was really fun. I used to marvel at those early pandemic music videos that put musicians together — How did they do that??!! Well, I figured it out and was able to put my little group class students in duet together. What a win! And adorable, too.

And those that played solo did such an amazing job. Some had only been in lessons for four months, but were already showcasing their musical spirit. They excitedly let me know what they wanted to play and they were all in.

It was truly a special event for me, and one I never would have imagined possible. I used to be very skeptical about what could be achieved with online lessons, but with hard work and commitment, students and families came along on an adventurous ride with me to create this beautiful musical moment.

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